Auction Total

Amount raised so far $1,290.00

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Virginia Quilt Museum
301 South Main Street
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
Phone: 540 433-3818

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Welcome to the Virginia Quilt Museum's Online Auction


You can help the Virginia Quilt Museum by being part of the "Little Quilts, Big Talents 2013 Online Auction. The online auction will conclude on August 24. 

PLEASE NOTE: This auction features dynamic bidding, also known as “Popcorn Bidding." IF a bid is made within 9 minutes and 59 seconds of the auction's scheduled closing time, Popcorn Bidding automatically extends the scheduled closing time for the auction of that particular item for another 10 minutes after the bid is made. Once there has been no bidding activity for 10 minutes, the bidding is considered completed and no further bidding is accepted. The auction for the item is closed. As always, the person who placed the highest bid wins the item.

Popcorn bidding prevents a practice known as "sniping," where bidders place a bid in the last seconds before an auction closes, thus preventing other bidders from responding with a higher bid. Auctions which employ Popcorn Bidding mimic traditional "live" auctions.

As always, if there is a specific item you really want, it is in your best interest to offer the highest Auto Bid amount that you are willing to spend and, if possible, monitor the auction during the last few minutes. 

Winners pay shipping. Please note: Postage and handling is $6.00 per QUILT or ITEM.