Auction Support


Benefit Auction Support Team

Click Here for Auction Support

Or call: (940) 312-8578
for assistance.

Auction Total

Amount raised so far: $59,445.00


Dedicated to providing financial, moral and community support to veterans of the United States armed forces.

Amount $


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Sponsorship Package Details...

Sponsorship Packages

Superhero Title Sponsorship



Our Superhero Title Sponsor will receive naming rights for the event, 24 tickets for seating at three prominent tables with two special guests per table, logo on all printed and web based advertisements.  Invitation to private pre-party meet & greet event.

Hero Sponsorship



Our hero sponsor will receive 16 tickets for seating at two prominent tables with two special guests per table, recognition in our program, on social media and event website.  Invitation to private pre-party meet & greet event.

Spirit Sponsorship



Our Spirit Sponsor will receive a table for 10 guests, recognition in our program, on social media and event website.  Invitation to private pre-party meet & greet event.

Tables and Individual Tickets

Table Purchase



Individual Tickets

